"The trips to see architecture, should be included in a ritual of academic maturing for every architect, like the grand tour through classical culture of southern Europe, that the formation of the bourgeois intellectual did not abdicate in the XIX and XX centuries. In Goethe's "Journey to Italy" (1749-1832), the author argues that the grand tour "is a cultural imperative that no man of letters, intellectual or artist can dispense since the middle of sec. XVIII. "
(Goethe, Johann W., Voyage to Italy (1813-1814)).

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"A man needs to travel. By his own, not through stories, pictures, books or television. Needs to travel by himself, with his eyes and feet. For one day plant his own trees and give them value. Knowing the cold to enjoy the warmth. And the opposite. A man needs to travel to places that he did not know to break this arrogance that makes us to see the world as we imagine. That makes us teachers and doctors of what we have not seen, when we should be students, and simply go and see. "
(Amyr Klink)

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"What is the importance of travelling to see works of architecture?
Rem Koolhaas: Extremely important, because it basically enables the constant refining of your perspective and therefore, to see each situation in a new light. "

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"Travelling is a part of education in youth and, in old age, a part of experience."
(Francis Bacon)

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"Travelling is the most enjoyable, less practical and more expensive way to educate ourselves."
(Paul Morand)